Sunday 6 November 2011

Film Narrative

Two friends are involved in a tragic accident. One is killed almost instantly. The other sustains serious injuries and is left in a coma for eight and a half months. When, against all odds, she awakens from the coma, she cannot remember anything about the accident, but feels both grief and guilt in response to finding out her friend has died. Before long, however, she starts to experience flashbacks, recalling the more tragic parts of the accident. Something doesn’t seem right as certain elements of her flashbacks do not seem to make sense or do not seem to tie in with the version of events the hospital filled her in with. The situation becomes worse, when supernatural occurrences begin to haunt the girl, as she witnesses ghostly apparitions and is visited on a regular basis by visions of her dead friend that are terrifying. The girl is convinced that her friend is enacting revenge on her because she has survived and not suffered death like the friend herself. The audience think the same thing. It soon turns out that the friend is trying to communicate the truth about how she died. It was not an accident that they were involved in. Someone was out to kill them. The girl is given clues by her dead friend and must then seek justice for her friend’s death, so that she can rest in peace.

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